Reduce development costs and accelerate designs for automotive manufacturing. Toyota Racing Development Integrates Stratasys FDM and SAF 3D Printing.
See how FDM® Nylon-12CF is cutting costs and creating faster tool production for 99P Labs.
Mercury Marine designers 3D printed their latest custom decal hat fixture using an F370®CR composite printer and high-strength carbon-fiber composite thermoplastics.
Testimonial of Stratasys FDM Technology from the Sierra Space Team. Witness how they applied and implemented 3D printed tooling to achieve commercial spaceflight.
Whirlpool uses Fused Deposition Modeling, Programmable PhotoPolymerization, and Stereolithography to meet rising diverse product development demands.
NASA's human-supporting rover for the Desert Research and Technology Studies program which roams the Arizona desert uses 3D printed FDM parts.
See how BAE Systems is using state-of-the-art manufacturing 3D printing processes using Industry 4.0 techniques to produce the next generation of combat aircraft.
See how transformation powered by Stratasys helps GM move faster, cut costs, and produce safer, lighter-weight manufacturing aids.
See how Rolleri is re-shaping metal sheet fabrication with Stratasys FDM additive manufacturing with cutting-edge Stratasys technology.
Stratasys was privileged to participate in three of the six technical challenges in the 2020 Air Force Advanced Manufacturing Olympics. Learn more about our Silver medals earned in the Supply Chain marathon in this blog.