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Print Anatomical Models | Stratasys Direct

Anatomical Models

Parts On-Demand

Anatomical Models

Accurate & Functional Medical Models

Anatomical models play a crucial role in efficient treatment and healthcare practices, serving a variety of tasks in the medical industry such as educational aids and preoperative planning. Our 3D-printing services offer a cost-effective solution for creating complex, anatomically-accurate models that surpass traditional manufacturing methods. Our cutting-edge technology opens up new possibilities for medical professionals to enhance their practice and improve patient outcomes.

Our advanced anatomical models can be customized for specific patients and pathology, unlimited by the costs and inconvenience of cadavers or traditional production methods. Create biomechanically realistic and highly functional models for training and validating medical devices. Educate patients on their exact condition with customized models built from their CT scans. Map out procedures and increase the efficacy of a technique with an accurate anatomical representation.

Benefits of 3D Printing Anatomical Models

Custom On Demand Models

Models can be generated on-demand from CAD models developed from MRI scans to represent patient-specific anatomy.

Short Lead Times

PolyJet continues to be the fastest 3D printing technology on the market, completing some parts in a matter of hours.

Multiple Colors Materials

Print models that reflect the blues, reds, and nudes of true human anatomy. Highlight internal features with external transparencies, and incorporate flexible and rigid materials for a more realistic feel.

Custom On Demand Models

Models can be generated on-demand from CAD models developed from MRI scans to represent patient-specific anatomy.

Short Lead Times

PolyJet continues to be the fastest 3D printing technology on the market, completing some parts in a matter of hours.

Multiple Colors Materials

Print models that reflect the blues, reds, and nudes of true human anatomy. Highlight internal features with external transparencies, and incorporate flexible and rigid materials for a more realistic feel.

From one-off prototypes, to low-volume production, we have the experience and engineering know-how to support you

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