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As an Application Consultant for DyeMansion in North America, Lester Hitch engages with customers to grow their knowledge about DyeMansion’s market leading technologies. With 20 years’ experience in the Additive Manufacturing industry, Lester has a broad background in 3D printing technologies, materials, and applications.  Kevin Sheehy is a Manufacturing Engineer for Stratasys Direct Manufacturing, the leading provider of additive and conventional manufacturing services of prototypes and production parts.   As a key member of the Additive Polymer division at Stratasys Direct, Kevin specializes in powder bed fusion through Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Absorption Fusion (SAF), and Multi Jet Fusion (MJF).  He also is responsible for material development, manufacturing process control creation, and new product introduction.

Get beauty and strength – the best of both worlds –– for your SAF components. Powered by DyeMansion, the new PolyShot Surfacing and DeepDye processes enable you to achieve incredibly beautiful and functional SAF parts. Whether you print in-house or with Stratasys Direct, you’ll love the finished product.  In this webinar, learn:  • How this non-abrasive process delivers a semi-gloss look with unrivaled haptics for SAF parts

• How poly-shot surfacing enhances scratch resistance, leading to more durable parts

• How the DeepDye process delivers the most intense and repeatable saturation of color

• How this economical way of achieving production-quality components can elevate the look and feel of your  components

• How fast and easy it is to switch from one color to multiple, using this automated, scalable solution

  • Lester Hitch, Dyemansion - Application Consultant,  Kevin Sheehy, Stratasys Direct - Manufacturing Engineer