
Materiali per le stampanti 3D

28 Materiale(i) trovato(i) for
28 Materiale(i) trovato(i)
Medical DraftWhite material

The DraftWhite™ is a rigid white material, targeted for single-material medical applications such as orthopedics and craniomaxillofacial. Learn more here.

Wheel digital ABS
PolyJet™ Digital Materials

Explore the versatility of PolyJet 3D Printing materials. From customized flexibility to unique translucency, redefine material design for your projects

Famiglia di colori VeroVivid

Con la capacità di simulare oltre 500.000 colori e tonalità infinite, la famiglia VeroVivid aggiunge un colore sorprendente alle parti e ai prototipi 3D.

LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel

LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel is ideal for use in a wide variety medical devices & applications: durable & reusable medical components, orthotics and more.

Agilus30 gasket

Stratasys Agilus30 è un materiale simil-gomma per la stampa 3D PolyJet con una resistenza allo strappo superiore, in grado di sopportare flessioni e piegature ripetute. Maggiori informazioni

RadioMatrix comparison X-Ray image

This material gives you the power to create medical models that exhibit radio-realistic features under X-Ray and CT. RadioMatrix provides unprecedented visibility of anatomical structures, medical devices and implants under medical imaging—for unmatched surgical navigation, training, and testing.


I materiali di supporto rigidi solubili per la stampa 3D FDM e Polyjet consentono di produrre parti stampate tridimensionalmente con geometrie e cavità interne complesse.

Somos PerFORM HW SL Material
Somos® PerFORM™ HW

Somos® PerFORM HW è una versione ottimizzata per DLP di Somos® PerFORM, leader del settore, che offre prestazioni elevate in termini di rigidità e resistenza alle alte temperature, necessarie per applicazioni come strumenti per lo stampaggio a iniezione

Somos NeXt valve side
Somos® NeXt™

Somos NeXt provides the accuracy of stereolithography with the look, feel and performance of a thermoplastic.

Materiale di Stampa 3D PPSU Polifenilsulfone

Il materiale di stampa 3D PPSF unisce un'elevata robustezza con la resistenza termica e chimica per prove funzionali complesse e applicazioni di produzione.

polyjet multi color 3d printing material

Stampa in 3D prototipi precisi, in più colori per testare l'idoneità, la forma e la funzione. Vero combina un'eccellente visualizzazione dei dettagli alla robustezza, una componente chiave nei prototipi realistici. Produci prototipi, modelli chirurgici, parti assemblate e mobili, staffaggi e strumenti di produzione rifiniti e precisi.


Discover the properties and benefits of HIPS (high-impact polystyrene) FDM filament and download the datasheet.

abs m30i sample

L'ABS-M30i è un materiale di stampa 3D biocompatibile perfetto per consentire agli ingegneri e ai progettisti che si occupano di confezionamento dei cibi, degli apparecchi medicali e farmaceutici di produrre modelli di progettazione chirurgica, dispositivi medici, utensili ed elementi di fissaggio.

Somos® ProtoGen™ 18420

Somos ProtoGen 18420 is an easy-to-print, ABS-like photopolymer that produces accurate parts ideal for general purpose applications stereolithography material

Biocompatible Clear MED610
Biocompatible Clear MED610

MED610 is a transparent, biocompatible PolyJet™ material, approved for bodily contact. The material is designed to provide greater efficiency and more cost-effective productivity across a range of medical and dental applications. The material creates rigid, transparent parts ideally for medical and dental applications requiring precise visualization and patient contact. Biocompatible Clear MED610 is suitable for permanent (more than 30 days) contact with intact skin, limited (up to 24 hours) contact with mucosal membranes and breached or compromised surfaces, and limited (up to 24 hours) contact with tissue and bone. The material is also suitable as a component in external communicating gas pathway devices. Printed parts with Biocompatible Clear can be sterilized with EtO, Steam, or Gamma sterilization methods.

BoneMatrix  DAP 3d printed spine

BoneMatrix creates complex material depositing patterns that mimic porous bone structures, fibrotic tissues, and ligaments. It is a tough, flexible material with memory to maintain its shape. Musculoskeletal models match bone density characteristics and behave like native bone when force is applied such as discectomy, drilling, reaming or sawing.

neuro vascular DAP 3d Print

Unique GelMatrix material and GelSupport™ depositing patterns allow you to print small and large, complex vascular structures and easily remove internal support material. The advanced material has a pudding-like consistency that allows for simple cleaning of blood vessel models. Water jets easily remove GelMatrix from blood vessels with inner diameters and wall thicknesses as small as 1.0 mm.

Somos BioClear Brai
Somos® BioClear™

Somos® BioClear is specially developed for use in medical applications, meeting the requirements for non-implantable limited body contact (<24hr) medical and dental applications.

Biocompatible Digital ABS ™ Plus
Biocompatible Digital ABS ™ Plus

The biocompatible MED Digital ABS Plus improves the mechanical performance of biocompatible parts for medical prototyping & functional performance testing.

Biocompatible Opaque MED615RGD™
Biocompatible Opaque MED615RGD™

MED615RGD is an Ivory opaque, Rigid, biocompatible PolyJet™ material medically grade for bodily contact. The printed parts are ideal for medical applications requiring precision and patient contact. The material is designed for medical applications and is suitable for permanent (more than 30 days) contact with intact skin, limited (up to 24 hours) contact with mucosal membranes and breached or compromised surfaces, and limited (up to 24 hours) contact with tissue and bone . Printed parts with Biocompatible Opaque can be sterilized with EtO, Steam, or Gamma sterilization methods.

Somos Momentum material 3d printed shoe
Somos® Momentum™

Somos Momentum was developed in collaboration with footwear manufacturers to create a solution that prints tools with high accuracy, quality and fine feature detail.

Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120
Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120

For applications in automotive and aerospace, Sterilithography material Somos ProtoTherm 12120 delivers high temperature resistance with exceptional surface finishing and superior dimensional stability, making parts more robust.

veroclear 3d printing metrial

VeroClear è un materiale trasparente che simula l'acrilico ed è usato come replica del vetro, ideale per la modellazione concettuale e la verifica del design di parti trasparenti.

LOCTITE&#174; 3D MED 412 by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D MED 412 by Henkel

MED 412 by Henkel is a medical-grade resin, deal for a range of applications include test swabs, single use medical instruments, lab equipment & more.

Somos® EvoLVe™ 128

Somos® EvoLVe 128 is a durable stereolithography material that produces accurate, highly detailed parts and is designed for easy finishing

cutting guide med 615 material

I materiali di stampa 3D biocompatibili consentono di ottenere modelli più precisi, accelerando il tempo alla poltrona dei pazienti, riducendo i costi e offrendo una maggiore varietà di soluzioni mediche e dentali.


The softest commercially available 3D printing material lets you create models that feel and behave like native organ tissue when force is applied. TissueMatrix is soft and flexible, but durable enough for suturing, cutting, inserting, and deploying devices. Combined with Agilus30, it creates a range - from highly extensible to stiffened - to simulate fatty tissue, fibrotic tissue, soft organs and tumors.


The PC-ISO 3D printing material is a biocompatible, heat-resistant thermoplastic suitable for food packaging, medical and pharmaceutical applications.

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