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Materiais de impressora 3D

29 Material(is) encontrado(s) for
29 Material(is) encontrado(s)
Medical DraftWhite material

The DraftWhite™ is a rigid white material, targeted for single-material medical applications such as orthopedics and craniomaxillofacial. Learn more here.

Wheel digital ABS
PolyJet™ Digital Materials

Explore the versatility of PolyJet 3D Printing materials. From customized flexibility to unique translucency, redefine material design for your projects

GP plus
Somos® GP Plus™ 14122

Somos GP Plus 14122 is a low viscosity stereolithography resin with an opaque white appearance.

LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel

LOCTITE® 3D MED 413 by Henkel is ideal for use in a wide variety medical devices & applications: durable & reusable medical components, orthotics and more.

cutting guide med 615 material

Nossos materiais biocompatíveis para impressão 3D permitem fluxo de trabalho aprimorado, produção rápida e econômica de modelos e dispositivos médicos e dentários. Saiba mais.

FDM Materiais de Suporte
FDM Materiais de Suporte

Materiais de suporte solúveis rígidos para impressão FDM e Polyjet 3D possibilitam produzir peças impressas em 3D com formas complexas e cavidades internas.

Agilus30 gasket

Stratasys Agilus30 é um material de impressão 3D tipo borracha polyjet com resistência a rasgo superior e suporta flexões e dobras repetidas. Saiba mais

VeroVivid Color Family
VeroVivid Color Family

The VeroVivid color family adds striking color to all 3D printed parts and prototypes with the ability to simulate over 500,000 colors & unlimited tints.

veroclear 3d printing metrial

O material de impressão 3D VeroClear simula o PMMA, ou acrílico, e é ideal para prototipar produtos transparentes como alternativa ao vidro.

Somos NeXt valve side
Somos® NeXt™

Somos NeXt provides the accuracy of stereolithography with the look, feel and performance of a thermoplastic.

Somos PerFORM HW SL Material
Somos® PerFORM™ HW

Somos® PerFORM HW is a DLP-optimized version of the industry-leading Somos® PerFORM, which offers high stiffness and high temperature performance that is required for applications such as tools for injection molding

polyjet multi color 3d printing material

Protótipos multicoloridos precisos de impressão 3D para testar o ajuste, a forma e a função.

FDM technology offers an easy way to produce simple tools and assembly aids with materials like FDM HIPS.

Discover the properties and benefits of HIPS (high-impact polystyrene) FDM filament and download the datasheet.

abs m30i sample

Termoplástico de Categoria Industrial Biocompatível

Somos® ProtoGen™ 18420

Somos ProtoGen 18420 is an easy-to-print, ABS-like photopolymer that produces accurate parts ideal for general purpose applications stereolithography material

Biocompatible Clear MED610
Biocompatible Clear MED610

MED610 is a transparent, biocompatible PolyJet™ material, approved for bodily contact. The material is designed to provide greater efficiency and more cost-effective productivity across a range of medical and dental applications. The material creates rigid, transparent parts ideally for medical and dental applications requiring precise visualization and patient contact. Biocompatible Clear MED610 is suitable for permanent (more than 30 days) contact with intact skin, limited (up to 24 hours) contact with mucosal membranes and breached or compromised surfaces, and limited (up to 24 hours) contact with tissue and bone. The material is also suitable as a component in external communicating gas pathway devices. Printed parts with Biocompatible Clear can be sterilized with EtO, Steam, or Gamma sterilization methods.

neuro vascular DAP 3d Print

O material GelMatrix exclusivo e os padrões de depósito GelSupport™ permitem imprimir estruturas vasculares complexas e pequenas e remover facilmente o material de suporte interno. O material avançado tem uma consistência tipo pudim que permite uma limpeza simplificada dos modelos de vasos sanguíneos. Os jatos de água removem facilmente o GelMatrix dos vasos sanguíneos com diâmetros internos e espessuras de parede de, no mínimo, 1,0 mm.

BoneMatrix  DAP 3d printed spine

O BoneMatrix cria padrões de depósito de materiais complexos capaz de emular estruturas ósseas porosas, tecidos fibróticos e ligamentos. Um material resistente e flexível, com memória para manter a sua forma. Os modelos musculoesqueléticos correspondem às características de densidade óssea e se comportam como um osso natural quando forças como discectomia, perfuração, fresagem ou serragem são aplicadas.


O material de impressão 3D PPSU combina alta resistência com resistência química e térmica para aplicações de produção e testes funcionais exigentes.

Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120
Somos® ProtoTherm™ 12120

For applications in automotive and aerospace, Sterilithography material Somos ProtoTherm 12120 delivers high temperature resistance with exceptional surface finishing and superior dimensional stability, making parts more robust.

Somos Momentum material 3d printed shoe
Somos® Momentum™

Somos Momentum was developed in collaboration with footwear manufacturers to create a solution that prints tools with high accuracy, quality and fine feature detail.

Somos BioClear Brai
Somos® BioClear™

Somos® BioClear is specially developed for use in medical applications, meeting the requirements for non-implantable limited body contact (<24hr) medical and dental applications.

Biocompatible Digital ABS ™ Plus
Biocompatible Digital ABS ™ Plus

The biocompatible MED Digital ABS Plus improves the mechanical performance of biocompatible parts for medical prototyping & functional performance testing.

Biocompatible Opaque MED615RGD™
Biocompatible Opaque MED615RGD™

MED615RGD is an Ivory opaque, Rigid, biocompatible PolyJet™ material medically grade for bodily contact. The printed parts are ideal for medical applications requiring precision and patient contact. The material is designed for medical applications and is suitable for permanent (more than 30 days) contact with intact skin, limited (up to 24 hours) contact with mucosal membranes and breached or compromised surfaces, and limited (up to 24 hours) contact with tissue and bone . Printed parts with Biocompatible Opaque can be sterilized with EtO, Steam, or Gamma sterilization methods.

Somos® EvoLVe™ 128

Somos® EvoLVe 128 is a durable stereolithography material that produces accurate, highly detailed parts and is designed for easy finishing

LOCTITE&#174; 3D MED 412 by Henkel
LOCTITE® 3D MED 412 by Henkel

MED 412 by Henkel is a medical-grade resin, deal for a range of applications include test swabs, single use medical instruments, lab equipment & more.


O material de impressão 3D mais macio do mercado permite criar modelos que se parecem e se comportam como tecido de um órgão natural quando uma força é aplicada. TissueMatrix é macio e flexível, porém durável o suficiente para suturar, cortar, inserir e implantar dispositivos. Combinado com o Agilus30, esse material cria uma linha estrutural, desde a amplamente extensível até a enrijecida, para simular tecidos adiposos, fibróticos, órgãos moles e tumores.

RadioMatrix comparison X-Ray image

This material gives you the power to create medical models that exhibit radio-realistic features under X-Ray and CT. RadioMatrix provides unprecedented visibility of anatomical structures, medical devices and implants under medical imaging—for unmatched surgical navigation, training, and testing.


O material de impressão 3D PC-ISO é um termoplástico biocompatível e resistente ao calor adequado para embalagens de alimentos, aplicações médicas e farmacêuticas.

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