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ABS-M30 an FDM technology 3D Printing material.


Termoplástico FDM
Material versátil con amplias aplicaciones. ABS-M30 trae la familiaridad y versatilidad del material ABS (acrilonitrilo butadieno estireno) a la línea de plásticos de impresión 3D FDM. Es un material ideal para verificaciones de forma y ajuste, prototipado funcional y otras aplicaciones de impresión 3D. ABS-M30 se caracteriza por su fuerza y dureza, al mismo tiempo que es liviana y resistente. ABS-M30 es la mejor opción para la impresión 3D de uso general, ya que combina utilidad y economía.
Key Attributes
3D printed heel

The desirable characteristics of ABS-M30 make it an optimal choice for the bulk of general-purpose 3D printing.

  • check Available in over nine colors.
  • check Possesses good mechanical properties and is stronger than standard ABS material.
  • check An affordable material capable of satisfying numerous use cases.
  • check ABS-M30 is a recyclable thermoplastic making it a good choice for sustainability initiatives.
Key Applications
3D printed heel

ABS-M30’s color options and physical characteristics allow it to satisfy a broad range of applications.

  • check Prototyping, design verification, and proof of concept modeling.
  • check Jigs, workholding fixtures, inspection tooling, surrogate parts and other manufacturing aids.
  • check Low-volume manufacturing including bridge-to-production scenarios and high-mix customization.


All Industries

ABS-M30’s capability to service a broad application base serves all industries that utilize additive manufacturing.





Consumer Products

Consumer Products







Compatible Printers

All Printers
F170 3D Printer


The F170 combines ease of use and affordability with professional-grade 3D printing.

F190CR 3D Printer


The F190CR offers an effective complement of engineering-grade and carbon-fiber materials.

F370 3D Printer


Access professional 3D printing and a capable array of materials in the easy-to-use F370.

F370CR 3D Printer


Cover more applications with the F370CR’s diverse material selection including carbon fiber.

F770 3D Printer


The F770 offers large-format FDM printing at an accessible price.

Fortus 450mc 3D Printer

Fortus 450mc

The Fortus 450mc delivers industrial-grade printing with a highly versatile range of materials.

F900 3D Printer


Large capacity, high-performance materials and proven dependability make the F900 the FDM workhorse.

F170 3D Printer

The F170 combines ease of use and affordability with professional-grade 3D printing.

F190CR 3D Printer

The F190CR offers an effective complement of engineering-grade and carbon-fiber materials.

F370 3D Printer

Access professional 3D printing and a capable array of materials in the easy-to-use F370.

F370CR 3D Printer

Cover more applications with the F370CR’s diverse material selection including carbon fiber.

F770 3D Printer

The F770 offers large-format FDM printing at an accessible price.

Fortus 450mc 3D Printer

The Fortus 450mc delivers industrial-grade printing with a highly versatile range of materials.

F900 3D Printer

Large capacity, high-performance materials and proven dependability make the F900 the FDM workhorse.