Latin-America (Português)
Latin-America (Português)
Case Study

Estudo de caso

a graphic of a 3 dimensional polygon shape

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A capacidade de prototipagem rápida tornou-se uma grande vantagem competitiva.

the J55 Prime prints out exactly what is shown on the monitor with the support of 3MF. This is a very surprising advantage.

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Este molde por inyección de ABS digital se utiliza para producir prototipos de cables eléctricos sobremoldeados.

Estudo de caso

3D printing builds tough injection molds fast.

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Maqueta de motor de luz (derecha) y unidad de producción.

Estudo de caso

Christie Digital mixes 3D printing technologies to optimize products.

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lady applying makeup to face

the J55 Prime prints out exactly what is shown on the monitor with the support of 3MF. This is a very surprising advantage.

Este molde por inyección de ABS digital se utiliza para producir prototipos de cables eléctricos sobremoldeados.

3D printing builds tough injection molds fast.

Maqueta de motor de luz (derecha) y unidad de producción.

Christie Digital mixes 3D printing technologies to optimize products.